DFW Airport Newsroom

Media Guidelines

Dallas Fort Worth International Airport supports the news media’s efforts to inform the public in a timely manner. The Airport’s Communications & Marketing Department is responsible for assisting journalists and media organizations in covering news at DFW.

All requests for information or interviews must be directed first to DFW Airport Communications & Marketing Department via email at media@dfwairport.com

DFW Airport Information & Interviews

All media inquiries for information or interviews with Airport officials must be directed to the DFW Communications & Marketing Department.

The office is located in the DFW Airport Headquarters building located at 2400 Aviation Drive, DFW Airport, Texas 75261. Office hours are from 8:30 AM until 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

Email: media@dfwairport.com
Journalists are requested to limit their outreach to members of the DFW Airport Communications & Marketing team. Airport personnel have been instructed not to respond to requests for information regarding DFW Airport. They will direct you to contact DFW Communications & Marketing.

News Regarding Airlines and Partners
When covering events that concern airlines, tenants and other Airport business partners, journalists should direct questions to the media relations representatives of those organizations. If you are seeking information regarding the impact of a tenant’s decision or event upon DFW Airport operations, those questions should be directed to the DFW Communications & Marketing.

News Media Access

News media access to the ticketing and baggage areas of the terminals will be the same as for the general public. Under TSA guidelines, Airport concourses and areas beyond security checkpoints for ticketed passengers will be off-limits to the media without prior approval from DFW Communications & Marketing. If access is granted, an Airport representative will act as an escort for the entire length of the journalist’s stay in the concourse.

Media representatives must have a valid government photo identification card and current media credentials, and must be screened.According to federal rules, access to the Air Operations Area (AOA) must be strictly controlled at all times. News organizations and journalists will not be given access to this area without Airport or federal approval.

Media Vehicle Parking

All news media vehicles must abide by Airport security parking rules in effect at the time.

Current DFW Airport rules prohibit any parking of vehicles at terminal curbsides for any length of time, even if the vehicle is attended. The curbsides are for Active Loading and Unloading Only. DFW Airport Department of Public Safety police and/or DFW Communications & Marketing will determine parking arrangements for news media vehicles on a case-by-case basis. Special arrangements must be made ahead of time for parking of satellite trucks and live vans in certain areas near the terminals. If media vehicles are improperly parked, they will be towed at their owner’s expense.

Media Credentials

At DFW Airport, only journalists with current media credentials will be permitted access to an area reserved for the media. You must wear your media credentials at all times when covering a story at DFW. You may also be asked to provide a government-issued photo identification and a business card for your media organization. Freelance writers need to offer proof (such as a letter from the editor on publication letterhead) of their assignment before they will be credentialed. Photographs and video recordings may be obtained from any area to which credentialed media have been permitted access. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA, www.tsa.gov/public/) has implemented policies regarding photographing/videotaping security procedures. The news media is not allowed to photograph or videotape display screens inside security checkpoints, as well as security systems or security personnel where such activity interferes with screening personnel in performance of their duties.

DFW Airport’s Department of Public Safety and/or DFW Communications & Marketing reserves the right to direct personnel to identify media representatives assigned to cover emergencies at DFW using temporary news media credentials.

Alert Procedures

The DFW Communications & Marketing team will serve as the news media’s primary point of contact for information regarding any emergency situation at the Airport.

In the event of an emergency, all news media representatives should report directly to the DFW Airport Headquarters (2400 Aviation Drive, DFW Airport, TX) for official briefings; the building is located in the Southgate Plaza development near the south entrance of the Airport, at the Rental Car Drive exit off of International Parkway.

In the event that location is unavailable, alternative locations will be communicated to the news media. Only media representatives with credentials can be transported to the affected site or location. The media will be allowed as close to the scene as possible in accordance with rescue operations and federal investigation requirements. News media vehicles will be located in a remote staging area.

Situation briefings and media conferences will be conducted at or near the on-site command post in the event of an emergency event at or near DFW Airport. The DFW Communications & Marketing team will assume the lead role in communicating with the news media until and unless federal or state authorities assume the lead role in communications. Unauthorized access to any emergency site will result in the violator’s immediate arrest and denial of future access. For your safety, smoking is prohibited at the scene of any emergency situation. DFW’s Communications & Marketing Department understands the news media’s desire to interview persons involved in an emergency. The Airport’s first responsibility is to the victims and their right to privacy. While media organizations will not be arbitrarily denied access to those involved, the Airport will support an individual’s decision not to be interviewed and/or photographed following the incident. Federal security and investigative guidelines may require the Airport to deny media access to persons involved in the emergency.

Terminal Evacuations, Checkpoint/Baggage Screening, Transportation Security Administration

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is in charge of passenger screening at all DFW Airport security checkpoints, as well as baggage screening throughout DFW's five terminals.In the event of a security-related event involving the TSA, that agency will be the primary source of information and the TSA's Regional Public Affairs representative or TSA Public Affairs in Washington, D.C. will handle all responses. DFW Airport Communications & Marketing will assist with airport-related questions and issues.

Inclement Weather

Media inquiries regarding weather conditions and flying operations at the Airport should be directed to DFW Airport Communications & Marketing. Media inquiries regarding flight delays or cancellations should be directed to individual airlines.


Photographs and video recordings may be obtained from any area to which credentialed media have been permitted access.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA, www.tsa.gov/public/) has implemented policies regarding photographing/videotaping security procedures. The news media is not allowed to photograph or videotape display screens inside security checkpoints, as well as security systems or security personnel where such activity interferes with screening personnel in performance of their duties. DFW may restrict the use of flash, strobes and other high intensity lighting when such lighting might affect the response to an event, incident, investigation or operation.

The use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) or drones is strictly prohibited over DFW Airport and within a 5-mile radius of the Airport. Please refer to the FAA (www.faa.gov) for details.

Commercial Media / Film Permits

If you have a commercial production or film project and are interested in filming at DFW, please see our film/photography permit page.


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